junio maluma Misterios

Aunque en un principio Maluma no pensaba dedicarse a la música le ofrecieron esculpir un disco, algo a lo que su padre se opuso en un principio luego que lo único que quería es que su hijo se dedicara al fútbol.

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Baltin: You talk about acting and music. For some reason, when you were talking about wanting to be the artist that you want to be, and then you mentioned that, an artist that came into my mind is Frank Sinatra.

There's a huge difference between giving constructive criticism and being a dick. There's no need to add insults.

Maluma y su tierno reconvención con su pequeña Paris por su rancho: ‘Estoy viviendo mi sueño más ínclito’

Andrea Serna lanzó elocuente mensaje frente a situación que vive el país: “No podemos dejar esta conversación a la sombra”

Entre singular y otro, Maluma encuentra ocasiones para sazonar su sedoso sonido urbano con toques de bachata, ritmos de soca y aires tropicales.

Ídolo de Gimnástico Doméstico critica a los directivos al no tenerlo en cuenta a las leyendas en reciente homenaje

Una momento más, el cómico colombiano ha hecho atavío de su originalidad a la hora de anunciar sus nuevos lanzamientos musicales. En esta ocasión, maluma hawaii ha anunciado su nuevo single a través de sus redes sociales con un vídeo que ha cubo mucho que hablar.

“Paris, our beautiful daughter, she’s growing inside her mom’s belly and she gives me many reasons to keep dreaming… She’s everything to me right now," he said.

The two became visibly emotional when they saw their baby in an ultrasound. They then shared the news maluma babay with their families during a gender reveal at The Edge at Hudson Yards.

[3] After impressing a group of music producers, he was asked to choose a name that would be easy to maluma remember and be accepted by followers of the junio maluma urban genre. He chose the stage name Maluma, which is a combination of the first syllable of the names of his mother Marlli, his junio maluma father Luis and his sister Manuela.[3] Career[edit]

“Paris, our beautiful daughter, she’s growing inside her mom’s belly and she gives me many reasons to keep dreaming,” he said. “It’s like she made a reset on my mind. She’s everything to me right now. It’s crazy. It’s a crazy feeling that only parents are going to understand.”

Baltin: When you look at what Leo Messi does and what other people do in those worlds, how much does it inspire you?

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